Thoughts during a NIRSPEC IST meeting on possible nearby-galaxy GTO programs in 2019+
The geometry of the dust torus in Seyferts can be mapped by watching the dust response
to accretion disk variations. I got excited about (and learned about) this topic in the
context of Kirsten Schnülle's and J-U Pott's paper (Schnülle et al 2013)
on 5-band monitoring of NGC 4151.
If one considers the 3"x3" IFU with 30x30 0.1"x0.1" pixels and the R=100 grim,
one should get:
-- wavelength coverage from 0.8 - 5 mum
-- reproducability and flexibility <1%
-- very high S/N
-- very high spatial resolution to subtract stellar body...
Worth a chat with Bernhard D., Kirsten, J-U ..