At the moment, Euclid's wide (15k sqdeg) survey will take all of its data on a given patch
of the sky in one pass (few hours), with some field overlap at the edges.
If the overhead penalty is defensible, it may be conceivable to make two passes around
the sky, taking half the exposure time at each, with the passes separated by ~1 year.
One of the things to think about is which aspects of the time-domain science are enabled by this?
Supernovae? Proper motions of very nearby, very red objects? AGN?
Steps (HWR) for June meeting:
take Mark Cropper's draft of alternate survey strategies, and get Bob Scaramella's
documentation on the survey strategy.
Get Jason involved (weak lensing), Bob Nichol (large scale structure),
Goal: -- provide the scope document
-- lay out which impact needs to be to be considered:
-- what is the impact of the alternate strategies on the
basic area-S/N- considerations
-- impact on data reduction, data release policy
-- impact on weak-lensing and LSS science