by hand cuts. The basic philosophy is:
- Cepheids have to appear as bright sources in W1 and W2. Why? According to Freedman et al 2006-ish (LMC-based) even the short-period (2-day) least luminous Cepheids have M_W1 or M_W2 of about -3.55. So, if we consider a DM_max=15 for now, and A_V~15mag (A_W1~0.7mag), then we have m_W1 and m_W2 < 12.5
- Cepheids have intrinsic W12 colors in a narrow range, -0.07<W12<0.2
- The 84 Cepheids with PS1 data fall into a well defined patch of Hernitschek's variability amplitude omega_best and time-scale tau_best space: 0.08<omega_best<0.5 and 0.7days < tau_best<30days.
Taking the test regions from Laura (15' around Cepheids?) , we go from 1Million sources to 220, and still retain 79 of the 84 Cepheids
Note added: a W12 -- (J-K) cut may also be interesting
That leads to a candidate list that is very peaked to the plane
Note added: a W12 -- (J-K) cut may also be interesting
That leads to a candidate list that is very peaked to the plane
or, as seen on sky:
The file with the candidate sample is n this fits file:
Is the next step to run period fitting on these 7000 candidates?