1) Kinematic Consensus:
Basic idea: seach for stream members in Integral-of-Motion space, by making the
grossly simplified assumption of spherical potential and some plausible radial profile.
The first issue to be explored is: we have excellent (alph,del), good D_photo, v_los, but no v_perp.
How does that mapping back into integral of motion space look like?
Hogg will see how far he gets; Zhitai will start perhaps in this direction [TBD]
Document at https://github.com/davidwhogg/KinematicConsensus/tree/master/documents
2) Long (and for me fruitful) discussion with Bovy led to rediscovery of math in Helmi & White 99
Question remains: what is the best practical way to "fit streams" (and infer potential)
from incomplete, or at least imperfect, (x,v) information on relatively few stars.
In the end, it all boils down to being able to write down L( (x,v), J,theta,Dt's) where the Dt's
are the times at which the stars were lost. [Bovy's blackboard notes]
3) Astrometric Übercalibration thoughts:
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