The goal of the project is to develop strategies for how to detect "unseen massive" companions to regular stars, i.e. stars similar to the Sun (main sequence stars).
What do we mean by "unseen companions"?
Stars like the Sun can orbit (or be orbited) by a range of other astronomical objects:
-- by stars similar to them (binary stars)
-- by low-mass objects, foremost planet(s) or 'brown dwarfs'
-- by "stellar remnants", which could mean 'white dwarfs'(WD), 'neutron stars'(NS), or 'black
holes'(BH); we presume that most stars that were massive enough to 'burn up their nuclear fuel'
by now leave such remnants behind; as the mass of the progenitor stars increases,
they leave behind WDs (M_init < 5M_sun), NS (5<M_init/M_sun<8), or BH (M_init >8M_sun)
In the present context, WD's are boring; NS are kind-of-boring, unless they have very masses (>2.xM_sun): the most massive NS constrain the neutron star equation of state. BH's left behind by stars are very exciting.
There are basically the reasons why BH's are exciting:
-- they are so exotic, and we know so little about "stellar mass BHs"
-- they are the ingredients in the most exciting gravitational wave events
-- they tell us how stars die (see also below)
Why care about BH's in binary systems? So far, nobody has a good idea how to ever find a free-floating stellar-mass BH...
The only "stellar mass BHs" we know in the galaxy are ~15 'X-ray Binaries'. Those are systems where the orbit is so small that mass from the normal star gets torn off by tidal forces and streams onto the BH. In the course of this this material heats up very hot and shines in X-rays.
[some very compact stellar evolution background at: http://www- ]
We want to find many more BH's around normal stars, and those that orbit at greater distances. Why?
Having many more BH's tells us their "mass function"; as we know the mass function (i.e. mass probability distribution) of the progenitors, that provides information on "which star turns into what BH".
Why do we care about BH's orbiting more distant? If BH's form in Supernova explosions, then there is likely a recoil, as the explosion will not be perfectly symmetric. It is possible that only tightly bound stars stay in a binary after forming the BH. However, there are also theories that some stars form BHs simply by collapsing to a BH, without ever exploding as a supernova; then, there is of course no recoil.
for background, see e.g.
and this very relevant paper:
[Note: these Gaia data will only be available in 2022.. we don't want to wait that long.]
How to find BH's orbiting other stars?
The most obvious approach would be to get spectra at many epochs, to get v_*(t). Taking spectra of millions of stars at many epochs is "expensive".
To search for them we should look for flux variations! E.g. the Gaia mission is mapping 10^9 stars, each >100 times.
And indeed, the tidal forces of an unseen companion "stretch" the stars, make it ellipsoidal. If we see it from the side, it has larger projected area and is a bit brighter: this is called ellipsoidal distortion.
See: . Actually there are two more effects (as this paper shows); but the ellipsoidal distortions will be the strongest effect.
So, what to calculate and explore in this thesis?
Let's look at (and understand) the predicted amplitude A and the period P of the light modulation, as a function of the "underlying physical parameters": orbital separation, a, and the mass of the unseen object M_dark, for a, say, star of M_*=1M_sun; the amplitude also depends on the orbital inclination (if you look at a system "face on" --perpendicular to the orbital plane -- there is no variation).
[See the initial part of ]
I.e. derive A = f(M_dark,M_*,a,sin(i)), P= f(M_dark,M_*,a,sin(i)), and then ask
how M_dark depends on the observables (A,P,M_*), on sin(i) and on the quantity we want M_dark.
The first question is to answer: what physical properties can be determine from (an observed combination of) A and P alone? Are there unique signatures of BH companions (as opposed to
NS or WD)
What additional do we learn if we could determine the orbital inclination?
Then we will look at the (very model dependent) statistics of "how many BH's companions should show discernible signatures?" This is at the heart of the papers mentioned above:
So, how to start:
Work your way through the papers:
-- about populations:
-- about lightcurve variations due to unseen companions:
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